Here we are at the beginning of another school year. While are start-up was a little different then in past years we still managed to have students in classrooms by the end of week one. As many of you know the challenges of dealing with the new ministry and teacher contract has added some changes to class size and composition resulting in the lag to get into classrooms. I am happy to say that think we have worked hard to develop classes that are great learning environments for our students and that work well for our teachers. I can say that from the looks on our students faces and how smoothly week two has gone our staff did a great job setting everyone up for success. We are now getting on with the school year and the many exciting plans that will make this year great !
As always please feel free to contact me with any concerns you may have regarding the running of the school. I am always here to support our families and community in any way that I may. Looking forward to spending another great year here at BG.
Rick Hall