Dear Parents and Families,
This is more than likely to be the last Coyote’s Howl for the year. I still can’t believe how strange 2020 has been for all of us.
I want to thank you for your help and support. You have definitely made these unique times more manageable and less stressful for your kids.
As I type this message, I get to look out my office window and see wonderful messages on our school wall. I must admit that I took more than a few “walking breaks” to go read all the signs. I am in awe at how wonderful the Beach Grove community is. I think about the support we saw during our teacher parade and the immediate offers of help right after the playground fire. This is truly a wonderful little part of Delta.
I want to thank you for welcoming me to Beach Grove this year. Change is not often easy, and new principals can take a little while to get used to. You’ve allowed me to try new things and I have felt supported all the way through.
As we work through the staffing process, there are some staff members that we sadly need to say goodbye to. We wish the following people all the best as they enter new adventures next year.
- Ms. Cougle
- Ms. Visscher
- Ms. Reith
- Ms. Boyda
- Ms. Gibson
- Mrs. O’Brien
- Ms. Chan
- Ms. Drake
- Ms. Lemieux
- Mrs. Finkle
- Mr. Khan
- Mrs. Engelland (Maternity Leave)
- Mrs. Udy (Maternity Leave)
We do hope that these staff members find their way back to our school. We will miss them.
Just a reminder that there will be no face-to-face or remote instruction next week. Child care for children of Essential Service workers will still be available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.
Teachers will schedule a way for students to come in, return/pick-up any last-minute items and say their goodbyes from June 22-24. Our grade 7 teachers have also organized a little recognition for our grade 7 students on Monday.
We will try and roll out the Lost and Found to the undercover area on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Anything left over after that will be donated to charity.
Once again, thank you for all that you have done. I look forward to when we can get closer to how school was before Spring Break. In the words of Dr. Henry, please “be kind, be calm and be safe.”