Dear Parents and Families,
I hope that you have been enjoying the summer. I know that it has definitely been a summer to remember. I am looking forward to seeing our students once again. Please see below for some things to think about as we approach next week.
Monday, Sept 7th – Labour Day Holiday
Tuesday, Sept 8th – Staff Orientation and Health and Safety Training. No school for students.
Wednesday, Sept 9th – Staff Orientation and Health and Safety Training. No school for students.
Thursday, Sept 10th – Grade 1 -7 orientation to their new class and safety protocols as per schedule below.
Students with last names starting with A-G to come from 9:00 -10:15
Students with last names starting with H-N to come from 10:45 -12:00
Students with last names starting with O-Z to come from 1:00 – 2:15
Friday, Sept 11 – Grade 1 -7 orientation to their new class and safety protocols as per schedule below.
Students with last names starting with A-G in grades 1-7, to come from 9:00 -10:15
Students with last names starting with H-N in grades 1-7, to come from 10:45 -12:00
Students with last names starting with O-Z in grades 1-7, to come from 1:00 – 2:15
Students will attend school on BOTH Thursday and Friday for 75 minutes at a time in small groupings. Each day students will focus on familiarizing themselves with their new learning group and developing routines around the health and safety protocols that are now in at school. Our school looks a little different than it has as we follow protocols to keep us as safe as possible. You will receive more information about where to line up for Orientation Sessions by Wednesday, Sept 9th.
Kindergarten parents, please look for an email that will be coming your way with information about the kindergarten gradual entry schedule.
Before sending your child to school, parents are expected to assess your child(ren) daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID19, or other infectious respiratory disease. Children who show any signs of illness should stay at home and parents must notify the school. If your child does become sick while at school, they will be isolated and you will be notified and asked to pick up your child as soon as possible. Look for a new Health Check coming soon.
Students and families can expect to see non-medical face masks at school. Teachers and school staff will be wearing masks and/or face shields in different areas around the school. The choice to wear a mask, or not, is a personal, family decision. If you send your child with a mask, please ensure your child has been taught all of the protocols of wearing a mask.
Mark Douangchanh
Principal, Beach Grove Elementary