Coyote’s Howl Sept 3 – 6

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the first edition of the Coyote’s Howl. I typically like to write a short little newsletter every week in hopes of keeping everyone as informed as possible. I hope that you will find it useful and ask that take a few moments to read my little newsletter every week.


I sent this out earlier, but please review first day instructions below.

1st Day Instructions FULL PDF DOWNLOAD


Please keep in mind that we are working hard to finalize classes and that this process may take some time due to numerous factors, that we will need to work through. Therefore it is uncertain when students will move into their final classes with their teacher for the year. We know that students are anxious and excited to find out who their teacher will be. We ask for your patience and understanding as we work through this process, as it is of the utmost importance to make sure that class placements are done to the best of our capabilities.

Students will not need their school supplies until we move into final classes. Please do not bring supplies until your child’s teacher communicates that it is okay to do so. 


Gradual Entry for Kindergarten

Every year we have a gradual entry for Kindergarten. This involves a “phasing in” of small groups and shortened attendance times, allowing children to adjust to a new school environment and families to develop relationships with teachers. If your child is in kindergarten please follow the Gradual Entry Schedule that you received at the end of last school year. If you need further information regarding gradual entry please contact Mrs. Adam at the office.

Also, don’t forget about our Kindergarten Parent Sessions on Sept 6, 9, and 10th at 10am in our library.



We are looking for a morning opener (30 minutes every morning). Duties include…

  • Disarming school alarm in the morning
  • Unlocking chains and gates
  • Placing traffic cones
  • Light grounds clean up (overnight litter, etc…)

If you know anyone who might be interested please have them contact the school.

For those of you who use Instagram, consider following our PAC

Twitter users, please consider following our school account.



Have a great first week!


Mark Douangchanh

Principal, Beach Grove Elementary

  • Tuesday, Sept. 3 – First Day of School (Students dismissed at 12:18pm)
  • Friday, Sept. 6 – Kindergarten Parent Session in library (Presenter: Lynsey Scales) at 10am
  • Monday, Sept 9 – Kindergarten Parent Session in library (Presenter: Jason Hodgins) at 10am
  • Tuesday, Sept. 10 – Kindergarten Parent Session in library (Presenter: Sandy Ouellette) at 10am
  • Wednesday, Sept 11 – PAC Meeting at 6:30pm