Coyote’s Howl Sept 23 – 27

Dear Parents and families,

I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to support our “welcome back bbq” and our “meet the teacher” night. It was great meeting many of you and I truly appreciate all those who took the time to say, “hi”. A huge thank you to our PAC for their efforts, and for arranging for Saleema Noon to come out and speak with parents. I would also like to thank our teachers and staff for all their hard work in making “meet the teacher” night a success.

Beach Grove Elementary now has a fundraising partnership with SPUD. We receive 25% on produce box orders (have to be purchased and 10% on gift card orders (ordered from .
All someone needs to do is pre-buy SPUD gift cards at the link listed in the info and then apply those gift cards to their order. Any leftover money remains as a credit on their account the their next order.
Beach Grove Elementary has our continuing fundraiser with Cobs Bread Tsawwassen Commons. All you have to do is mention Beach Grove when purchasing and our school receives 5% back.

Thank you to our parents who attended the Saleema Noon info session on Wednesday. Our student sessions will be on Oct 1 and Oct 4. Please see the important information form by clicking below.

Parent Letter Saleema Noon 2019

Term previews will be sent home by Friday. Some teachers may chose to send them home a bit earlier.


Our Terry Fox Run will be this Friday (Rain or Shine). There is still time to bring in a “Toonie for Terry”. All funds will go to the Terry Fox Foundation.


Please mark your calendars. Orange Shirt Day coming up on Sept 30th. If you would like more information about Orange Shirt Day, please visit


As we mentioned last week, we are starting a Lego Club! Please consider donating and Lego pieces, Lego Platforms, and Lego Figures that may be lying around and unused in your house. We are looking forward to starting this club within the next few weeks, so the earlier we can gather the donations the better. Please pass along any Lego you are willing to part with to Mrs. Adam in the office.

Thanks so much,

Jessica Udy, Beach Grove Child and Youth Care Worker



These are our new visitor ID lanyards by the sign-in book in the front lobby. Again, just a reminder that all parents and family members need to sign in and wear an ID tag. We also ask that parents avoid being outside on school grounds during recess and lunch when our students are playing. This is strictly for safety and helps us minimize any confusion to both our students and to our staff. Lunches and other items being delivered can be left at the office and we will make sure it gets to your child.



Another notice that our Year-End Assembly that involves our Grade 7s is now Tuesday, June 23rd. The original date was for Wednesday, June 24th. Grade 7 parents please mark your calendars and note the change of date. 



  • Wednesday, Sept 25 – Div. 11 to The Hive
  • Friday, Sept 27 – PAC Fun Lunch Day
  • Friday, Sept – Terry Fox Run/Assembly at 1:30
  • Monday, Sept 30 – Orange Shirt Day
  • Tuesday, Oct 1 and Friday, Oct 4 – Saleema Noon Student Sessions


Have a great week!


Mark Douangchanh

Principal, Beach Grove Elementary