Dear Parents and Families,
I hope that you are doing well this weekend.
Classes will be staggering their Terry Fox run on Sept 23rd, throughout the day. At this time we are still not able to have parents attend events like the Terry Fox Run. We appreciate your understanding and patience in the matter.
We are collecting Twoonies for Terry throughout the week. Please consider sending a twoonie with your child to school this week. All donations will go to the Terry Fox Foundation.
Thank you for helping your child come prepared for the weather last week. Please note that “inside days” are rare and only happen during extreme weather. We try very hard to send kids outside to play at recess and lunch. There will be many days when kids will get wet. Please continue to help your child be prepared for the weather.
Important Information- Update Parent Connect!!
Thank you to all the parents who have already updated and completed their forms approval on parent connect.
All parents are required each year to go on-line each year to update their demographic/emergency contact information. We rely on this contact information when trying to keep parents informed and need it to be accurate. Since the district is now using two systems for student records, MYED BC and our CIMS system we ask that parents email their changes/updates to your child’s demographic/emergency information to Mrs. Adam at If you need to update your home address, we require appropriate proof of your address (purchase/rental agreement, current year property tax receipt, current month rental receipt showing address, or letter from landlord). own a home: residency
As well, each year permission forms need to be reviewed and approved. The health form has been updated and included in these forms. All forms are approved electronically through parent connect.
To access Parent connect:
TIPS for signing in: Your email address that you provided the school is being used for sign in. If you have never signed in before click on forgot/retrieve initial password. It will them email it to you.
Please have all updates/form approval completed by September 24th.
If you have any problems signing into parent connect, etc. please email Mrs. Adam at or call the school at 604-943-0108.
Student Medical Info.
If your child has a serious medical condition or requires school staff to give him/her medication that we have not been informed of, please contact the school office to update our existing records or to provide us with new information.
Don’t forget that our gym is closed to classes on Monday due to federal elections taking place.
Sept 30th is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Since this is a holiday for the first time, we will recognize and acknowledge this day on Sept 29th.
All staff and students are encouraged to wear orange on Sept 29th.
The Delta Police in conjunction with THIS (The Harmony Initiative Society) is providing a great contest opportunity.
This visual arts calendar contest is open to all Delta residents will bring awareness to diversity, inclusion and belonging for all of Delta. Please see the link below for full contest details.
Making Sense of Adolescence Dr. MacNamara – Adolescence Sept 22
Thriving in Kindergarten to Grade 3 September 23
- Monday, Sept 20 – Gr. 7 Leadership Club at Lunch
- Thursday, Sept 23 – Terry Fox Run throughout the day
- Friday, Sept 24 – Non-Instructional Day
- Monday, Sept 27 – Gr. 7 Leadership Club at Lunch
- Wednesday, Sept 29 – Orange Shirt Day in Recognition of the Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- Wednesday, Sept 29 – Previews available online
- Thursday, Sept 30 – Day for Truth and Reconciliation Holiday ‘