Coyote’s Howl Sept 14 – 18

Dear Parents and Families,

Thank you for all your help during the first week. As you know, teachers and staff are working really hard to make sure kids are having the best experience at school while being safe. Yes, this year will be different but we are still determined to have a great year.


Things you can do to help


If possible, teachers and staff would be very thankful if you can send your child with their own individual bottle of Foam Soap and Hand sanitizer. The school has hand sanitizer and places to hand wash throughout the school, but this would help us maximize the use of time, while providing us with even more options to keep our hands clean. 


Lunch Containers and Shoes

Please pack lunches that your children can access independently. They will have to be able to open and close containers and packaging on their own due to COVID protocols. If needed, please practice with them beforehand. Students will also need shoes/coats that they can put on independently as well. Please consider velcro shoes until your child has become proficient with shoe-laces.

Please make sure that you check that school lunches, snacks and other items your child may need for school are packed before the start of the day, as parents will no longer be able to drop off forgotten items. Going home for lunch is also highly discouraged as we want to limit traffic in and out of the building as much as possible. Of course, we recognize that there will be occasions/circumstances when this is unavoidable and the school will work with families when such situations come up. 

Also, please note that we are an allergy aware school. Please do not bring food items containing nuts, since we have several people in the building with allergies.


Please arrive as close to the bell as possible for drop-off and pick-up. We ask that families avoid congregating at school.


We will be staggering recess and lunch as another COVID precaution. Although we are lucky to have a large outside play area in general, the staff wanted to take the extra step of staggering recess and lunch. Please see below for the bell schedule.

8:45 – First Bell

8:50 – Classes start

10:25 to 10:40 – RECESS GROUP A

10:45 to 11:00 – RECESS GROUP B

12:00 to 12:40 – PLAYTIME FOR GROUP A

12:40 to 12:55 – EATING TIME FOR BOTH GROUPS A and B

12:55 to 1:35 – PLAYTIME FOR GROUP B


Recess/Lunch groups will be finalized as other school schedules are created. Teachers will inform their classes of what playgroups they are in.


Earlier, we sent out a letter regarding daily health checks. If you still need that letter, you can find it below.

Parent Connect Forms_Sept_4_2020


As many of you know, we are in the process of moving over to a database system called MyED BC. At this point, some parents with “hotmail” email accounts have been experiencing trouble getting our emails. We are working with Microsoft to get this fixed, but it might be worth providing the school with an alternate email address if possible.



As you know, kids will see adults wearing masks at many times during the day. Kids are welcome to wear masks as well. We are a mask friendly zone. Parents may need to teach young students how to wear a mask without touching their face. Parents can also help us by continually having conversations about what staying 2 meters away from someone looks like.


Mark Douangchanh

Principal, Beach Grove Elementary

  • Friday, Sept 25 – Non-Instructional Day