Dear Parents and Families,
I wanted to start off by sharing some good news. We recently got word that our playground that was damaged by fire is scheduled to be replaced starting the week of January 12th. We can’t wait for work to begin!
Our Virtual Book Fair is on right now. The fun and excitement of a Scholastic Book Fair is at our school! To adapt to our changing needs, Scholastic has developed a Virtual Book Fair to provide an opportunity for our students and families to experience the joy of reading together.
Our Scholastic Virtual Book Fair will take place until November 30.
It’s time to shop, visit our school’s Virtual Book Fair site using this link:
You can also share this link with family and friends.

Fraser Health Contact Tracing
- As shared in the district letter to parents and guardians last week, Fraser Health will reach out directly to families if they think their child has come into close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, and will ask them to take specific action, such as go for a COVID test or self-isolate. In case of COVID exposures at our school, we encourage you to answer phone calls, even if they are from an unknown number, as this will greatly assist Fraser Health with its contact tracing process.
Focusing on the Positive

- As you may have seen on the district’s website and social media channels already, over the coming weeks we will be sharing some brief suggestions, tips and activities to help promote feelings of warmth, joy and gratitude.
- Did you know that kindness is about the only thing in the world that doubles when you share it? I encourage you to take two minutes to watch this interesting video from the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation on the science of kindness.
With the recent rise of COVID cases and in the spirit of being kind to one another we ask parents to help us out by doing the following.
- Please spend as little time as possible on school grounds during drop-off and pick-up.
- Please consider wearing a mask.
- Although masks are not mandatory during drop-off and pick-up, we ask that you strongly consider wearing one. We can always do more to help one-another feel safe and we believe that wearing a mask may help during drop-off and pick-up.
- Practice being 2 meters apart from others during drop-off and pick-up (2 meters is farther than you might think).
Thank you for also continuing to do the daily health check with your children before sending them to school. Here’s the health check below for your reference.
FULL PDF DOWNLOAD Daily Health Check

Also, in the spirit of kindness and in effort to make sure we are being as safe a possible, we will be having a virtual assembly on Monday. This will give our students and teachers a chance to review all our COVID safety measures to make sure we are doing all that we can to make sure we are being as safe and kind to one another as possible.