Dear Parents and Families,
We are excited that we are still having a Book Fair this year. However, the book fair will be VIRTUAL!

FULL PDF DOWNLOAD of the Virtual Book Fair Letter is below
Virtual Book Fair Save The Date Letter

Our Superintendent of Schools, Doug Sheppard recently sent out a letter that provides some current information about COVID-19. I am providing a link to his letter below.
Please help your child remember their water-bottle. A reminder that we also have a refill station at school as well. We have a small supply of water (plastic bottles) at school but it would be extremely helpful if parents double-check, to make sure that their child has packed a refillable water-bottle.

Our next PAC Meeting will be Wednesday, Nov 18 at 6:30 via ZOOM.

- Wednesday, Nov 18 – PAC Zoom Meeting at 6:30