Dear Parents and Families,
Happy Sunday! Just a very brief Coyote’s Howl this week.
We are starting to think about class placements for next year. Every year we give parents an opportunity to give us input for us to consider. Please know that these forms are intended to give us academic information and is not intended to request teachers or friendships. Please see the form below for more information and submit by 9:00am, May 13 2021.
Student Placement Parent Input Form 2021 PDF
Student Placement Parent Input Form 2021 WORD
The only other request I have in this brief Howl is for your continued support with our school fields. As I mentioned a few times recently, we have been working with the district to fill in the holes in our fields. We suspect that kids are digging holes outside of school hours and on weekends. We realize that this is probably in the spirit of good fun, but If your child spends time on our school grounds without your supervision, please help us by making sure that they know not to be digging on our grounds. Many of the holes were so big that they were tripping concerns for user groups and district staff. We thank you for your support.
Mark Douangchanh
Principal, Beach Grove Elementary