Dear Parents and Families,
I hope you are doing well. We are pleased to tell you that repairs to our playground are complete. It’s great seeing kids enjoying the playground again.
We have recently been provided with some updates regarding Covid-19. Please see the most updated daily health check form below.
You can also download the FULL PDF here.
As per the district letter sent home on Feb 25, please stay at home and keep a safe distance from people in your household when you have COVID, cold or flu-like symptoms. Please refer to the updated Daily Health Check, above
• Socialize only with those in your household.
• Connect with people you do not live with by phone or by video call.
• Wear masks in indoor public places.
• Practice good hygiene, including:
- Regular hand washing/sanitizing
- Avoiding touching your face
- Covering coughs and sneezes
- Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces
Gathering on School Grounds
Recent updates to the Provincial COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines for K-12 Settings require that “Parents/caregivers and other visitors should maintain physical distance and avoid crowding while on school grounds, including outside.”
With so many people present during school drop-off and pick up, the risk of people coming into close contact with others is very high. As the weather starts to improve over the coming weeks and months, we know there will be greater temptation for people to stop and socialize during these times. However, we encourage you to leave the school grounds promptly and to avoid interacting with others outside your household, including letting your children play with others from outside their cohort in the playground. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
If you have any health questions or concerns, please call the Fraser Health COVID-19 Call Centre at 604-918-7532.
You can find a full PDF version of the letter sent out on Feb 25 below.