Coyote’s Howl June 6 – 10

Dear Parents and Families,

Thank you for your support around Fun Day. We are looking forward to better weather on Monday.



Thank you to our Grade 7 Leadership Crew who educated us about Jeans Up Day. We raised a total of $432.




Walk-A-Thon_ Thank You 2022



A reminder that we are planning to practice our Hold and Secure emergency procedure on June 7th. Hold and Secure is a procedure which allows the school to continue with the school day, but forbids outside activity and unnecessary room to room transit. A Hold and Secure is most commonly used when there is a security concern in the neighbourhood close to the school, and there is no immediate danger. Examples of when a Hold and  Secure is initiated could be when there is an animal, like a bear spotted in the area near the school or when there is a police incident in the neighbourhood. During the procedure, no unauthorized personnel are to enter the building.

We realize that practicing fire drills, earthquake drills and Hold and Secure drills has the potential to cause some anxiety amongst some students. The teachers and staff will be working hard to explain to our students that there is nothing to worry about during such drills and that it is important for schools to practice what to do in case of an emergency. Please help us ease these potential anxieties by having discussions with your children at home.

Please note that for the purposes of this drill, there is no pick up necessary. Parents should also know that it is very common for the Delta Police to be present during emergency drills. Please do not be alarmed if you see police vehicles at the school on June 7th. If you have any questions about the Hold and Secure Drill, please feel free to contact the school.





Mark Douangchanh

Principal, Beach Grove Elementary

  • Monday, June 6 – Fun Day
  • Tuesday, June 7 – Hold and Secure Drill
  • Tuesday, June 7 – Grade 7 Leadership Club at Lunch
  • Tuesday, June 7 – Grade 7 SDSS Assembly at 1:30
  • Friday, June 10  – Spirit Day – Tacky Tourist Day
  • Monday, June 13 – Grade 7s Canoeing instruction at  Winskill
  • Tuesday, June 14 – Grade 7 Leadership club at lunch
  • Wednesday, June 15 – School Library books due
  • Thursday, June 16 – Div. 4 to Victoria
  • Thursday, June 16 – Kindergarten visit to the library in the afternoon
  • Friday, June 17 – PAC Fun Lunch