Coyote’s Howl Feb 16 – 19

Dear Parents and Families,

Just a very short Coyote’s Howl this week. I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Lunar New Year, a Happy Valentines Day and a Wonderful Family Day. We hope you are able to spend some quality time with your kids this weekend.

I also wanted to thank you for your help with making sure kids are coming to school prepared for the weather. We really appreciate your help.


Don’t forget about Pink Shirt Day on February 24th. Students, staff and parents are encouraged to wear a pink shirt on February 24th to show their commitment to kindness.


Our next Pro-d day is February 26.



As we mentioned a few weeks, Kindergarten registration takes place mid-February each year. A child may be registered to attend Kindergarten in September if his or her fifth birthday occurs on or before December 31st of the current year.

Kindergarten registration for the 2021/2022 school year will be held from February 16-23, 2021. Please register ONLINE for your catchment area school. For verification of your catchment area school, please check the School Locator. Instructions on how to register will be posted on the District website in early February.

Please have the following documents ready to upload with your child’s registration (all documents must be received for registration to be accepted):

  1. Proof of birth date for the student (birth certificate or passport) (registration will not be accepted until proof of birth date is received)
  2. Proof of citizenship for both the parent and the student (Canadian birth certificate, citizenship card, passport, landed immigrant document, permanent resident card)
  3. BC Services Card
  4. Proof of Residency (Property Taxes – current receipt, purchase/rental agreement or rental receipt)

If a parent wishes for a child to attend a school other than their catchment area school, an online non-catchment application form must be completed. Non-catchment applications will be accepted online only commencing February 1, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. Applications received prior to March 5, 2021 will receive priority in their respective category. Approvals will be processed as soon as possible, but may be held until the second week of September, therefore, parents should register their child at their catchment area school the week of February 16-23, 2021 to ensure a placement. Schools will hold non-catchment forms until approved by the Assistant Superintendents’ Office.




  • Monday, February 15 – FAMILY DAY HOLIDAY 
  • Tuesday, February 16 – Kindergarten Registration Opens
  • Wednesday, February 24 – PINK SHIRT DAY
  • Friday, February 26 – Non-Instructional Day