Coyote’s Howl April April 25 – 29

Dear Parents and Families,

A reminder about student-led conferences this week. Parents can sign-up via parent connect. If you are having trouble with parent connect, please contact Mrs. Adam.

As we mentioned last week…

Your child will be working hard to prepare for their student-led conference with you. Please allow your child to lead this conference. It is important for your child to have the opportunity to take charge and lead your conference time with them. They will be excited to show you their learning and hard work but may also be a little nervous.

Please note that this is not a parent-teacher interview. Out of respect for the time and energy, your child will put in to prepare for student-leds, please refrain from shifting your questions towards your child’s teacher. Instead, direct your attention and your questions to your child. They will be delighted to answer any questions you may have about their learning. Remember, your child will only have 20 minutes to tell you about what they’ve been working on, and that time will go very quickly.

If you have questions for your child’s teacher, please make other arrangements to speak with them at a later time.

  • Each Class will be able to have 3 families per time slot.
  • Please keep siblings out of the classroom during your child’s student-led time.
  • There will be 10 minutes between time slots to allow people to exit the building before the next set of families.
  • Please exit quickly at the end of your time slot so that teachers can prepare for the next group of families.




Congratulations to the following students who participated in this year’s Reading Link Challenge

Lukas H, Isabelle H, Alina D, Bailey S, Layla R, Ellen O, Rian T, Stella B, Rowan E, Sydney J, Lexi V, Bridget W, Frankie D, Grayson A, Emie T, Sophia D, Callum T, Gavin C, Alliette D, Toby G, Aarav S




Our next spirit day is Star Wars Day on May the 4th. Thank you to our leadership club for organizing all our spirit days!



  • Tuesday, April 26 – Div 1 and 2 Dyke Walk
  • Tuesday, April 26 – Leadership Club at lunch
  • Wednesday, April 27 – 2:00pm Dismissal for Student-Led Conferences 
  • Thursday, April 28 – 2:00pm Dismissal for Student-Led Conferences 
  • Tuesday, May 3 – Div 1 and 2 Dyke Walk
  • Tuesday, May 3 – Grade 7 Leadership Club
  • Wednesday, May 4 – Spirit Day – Star Wars Day