Coyote’s Howl April 19 – 23


Dear Parents,

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine this weekend. Thank you for taking the time to read this edition of the Coyote’s Howl.

We are still needing asking for your help. As you know, masks are now required for grades 4 – 7. We are still finding that a number of kids are still forgetting to pack their masks and water bottles in the morning. We are noticing that it’s mainly our older students (grades 6 and 7 and some grade 5s) who are consistently coming to the office for a mask or water bottle. I am suspecting that kids of this age are often given the responsibility to pack their own bag in the morning. Please help your child remember their “clean mask” and water bottle. We do have a limited supply at the office but students should really practice bringing their own.

We have been noticing that many kids from Kindergarten to grade 3 have been trying to wear their mask as much as possible at school. Although masks for k-3 students are not required, it is encouraged and we thank you for your support in this. 


Class photo day is TUESDAY, APRIL 20th (please note the change of date). Just a reminder that because of current health guidelines, photos will look very different than in past years.

  • Photos will be outside
  • Kids will be socially distanced
  • Our back up plan for rain will be the undercover area as scheduling does not allow for us to have the photo company come back another day



As we mentioned last week, parents should know that at school we have been asking students not to dig in our fields. We typically also ask for sticks to be left on the ground.

We are finding that we are still having issues with students digging holes and trenches in our fields after-school and on weekends. Some of the holes have been small enough for someone to step in and injure themselves and some holes large enough for students to hide in. The digging has created safety issues for our evening user-groups and for the community that walk through the schoolyards and do not realize the holes are there. It has also become an issue for district staff since they are pulled off of other jobs to repair the holes. We are monitoring the digging during school hours but again it seems as though kids are also doing this when school is not in session. Please help us by monitoring this if you bring your kids to the school during non-school hours. Please also have a conversation with your kids if they visit and play at the school on their own.  

Don’t forget that there is early dismissal at 2:00pm on April 21 and April 22 for conferences. If you need more information, please contact your child’s teacher.


  • Tuesday, April 20 – Class Photo Day (please notice the change of date)
  • Wednesday, April 21 – Early Dismissal for Student-Led Conferences at 2:00pm
  • Thursday, April 22 – Early Dismissal for Student-Led Conferences at 2:00pm