Coyote’s Howl Jan 11 – 15

Dear Parents and Families,

As you know, we try as much as possible to give kids time outside during recess and lunch. We really believe that it’s essential for them to have that outside activity if possible. Please know we will do our best to only keep them inside during extreme weather. There will be times when they will be out in the rain. Please help your child dress for the weather. We are finding that some kids are coming to school without a proper coats and footwear.


Despite our best efforts, some of our kids our students still drawn to puddles and end up wet. We are trying to avoid having to have parents drop of changes of clothing. Please help us by making sure that your child has a change of clothes here at school.



Our students have adapted well since coming back from the winter break. Throughout the school day, our staff take great care to ensure students are kept within their learning groups/cohorts to limit students’ interactions with others to help reduce their potential exposure to COVID-19.

We know that school drop-off and pick-up are very busy at schools and it can be challenging for students and their families to maintain two metres distance from others. We also recognize that school drop-off and pick-up provide an opportunity for parents to connect with each other. We would like to ask for your continued support in ensuring that you do not interact with others outside of your household, or allow your child to play with others from outside of their cohort. To help avoid these social interactions, we encourage you to leave the school grounds promptly after dropping off or picking up your child from school.


We are excited to know that work to replace our damaged playground will be starting on Jan 12. We are looking forward to having this playground back again.



Our next non-instructional day is January 22



Don’t forget that Beach Grove Elementary has a continuing fundraiser with the Cobs Bread over at Tsawwassen Commons? All you have to do is mention Beach Grove when purchasing and our school receives 5% back.

  • Wednesday, January 13 – PAC meeting at 6:30 via Zoom
  • Wednesday, January 20 – Term Preview available online
  • Friday, January 22 – Non-Instructional Day